Snail Mail From The Past..

Delight the military history enthusiast in your life with weekly historic letters from presidents, generals, and more, mailed right to their door.

The Letterjoy Experience

Curated Weekly Letters: We search archives around the world to find you one fascinating letter each week from American History. During your membership, your pen pals will include top generals, presidents, cabinet secretaries, and captains of industry.

“The Postscript”: Our “postscript” articles, which accompany each of your letters, provide you with detailed background information on your latest pen pal, your letter, and the historical events described within.

Each postscript also includes a few extra “fun facts” to help you with your next crossword puzzle or trivia night.

Unique Monthly Themes: Each month of your Letterjoy letters will explore a unique & interesting theme. Popular past themes include “Bridges to War”, “the Space Race”, “Cancelled Duels”, and “Civil War Spies”.

Over the course of your membership, your themes will cover a broad array of topics, figures, and events.

Many of your letters will, of course, touch on WWI, WWII, the American Revolution, and the Civil War, but they’ll also cover interesting lesser-known events.

Immersive Design: Our goal is to help you “time-travel” through your mailbox. We achieve this by restoring letterhead and signatures and reproducing each of your letters fine stationery or parchment, specifically tailored to match your letter.

A Real Stamp: For that extra dose of nostalgia, we mail each of your letters with a real postage stamp in our signature cream-colored envelopes. No metered postage here!

Member Testimonials

  • "I just got a @letterjoy about Civil War balloons and am on a high..."

    — Nikki U. (Via Twitter)

  • “My fiance got me a subscription to @Letterjoy and it's always such a treat. Comes every week. The past 2 have been incredible. One from a Union officer during the Civil War dealing with unrest the draft caused. The other from an Officer during WW1 implementing the Espionage Act”

    — Josh P. (Via Twitter)

  • "If you are looking for a great holiday gift for someone in politics or who likes history I have really enjoyed @Letterjoy . They send you a historical letter each week and they are fascinating. One week might be from a WWII general & the next week about natural ice in the 1920s"

    — John A. (Via Twitter)

  • "Got my first @Letterjoy in the mail today, and have to say it’s pretty awesome... this is a reprint of a letter from John Adams to James Warren regarding the Boston Tea Party"

    — Dan D. (Via Twitter)

  • "Did you know that there was a Women’s Land Army of America? I didn’t. This was one of my favorite @Letterjoy letters"

    — Cami R. (Via Twitter)

Past Letterjoy Military History Letters

  • George S. Patton Discusses His First Tank Battle.

    In this 1918 letter, a young George Patton, then a Lieutenant Colonel, writes to his father to share his experience leading a tank brigade at the Battle of Saint-Mihiel, the first use of tanks by the US military on the battlefield.

    This letter was included in our theme on the rise of steel.

  • A Union Officer Pleads For Help During the NY Draft Riots.

    In this military telegram from the American Civil War, Captain Charles E. Jenkins informs military officials in Washington of the destruction wrought by rioters during the New York City draft riots.

    This letter appeared as part of our theme on the history of conscription.

  • FDR Writes Churchill About Ousting de Gaulle

    In this memo from World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt writes Prime Minister Winston Churchill, his ally and confidant, to make the case for ousting General Charles de Gaulle as head of Free French Forces.

    This letter was included in our theme on the history of Franco-American relations.

Still Have Questions?

Whether you’re passionate about the American Revolution, World War I, the Civil War, or the War of 1812, if you like military history, you’ll love Letterjoy.