“The Best History Gift Ever”

Dear Potential Letterjoy-er,

Welcome to Letterjoy. Our goal is to be the best gift your favorite history nerd ever receives. Here’s how we achieve that:

First, we find incredible letters. We scour the world’s archives, research libraries, and special collections to find you vivid accounts of important historical events and candid discussions between famous figures.

You can see some examples of past letters here.

Then, our expert curators write a “postscript” article to accompany each letter. Your postscript will tell you the story of your latest letter and its author and recipient.

Finally, our designers create an immersive reading experience that will make you feel like you’re each letter’s original recipient. We do this by using fine stationaries, restored letterhead, beautiful signatures, real stamps, and more.

And you don’t just receive this once. You’ll receive a new letter weekly, and explore new topics monthly. Past topics have included “Supreme Court Battles”, “Civil War Spies”, and “The Birth of the Automobile”.

We believe that the sum of all of the above is the best, most lasting gift for history nerds (such as ourselves) there is.

But don’t just take our word for it. We’re proud to display the tweets, letters, and testimonials of dozens of satisfied customers right on our website.

If you have any questions about our service, please let us know. We’re here to help. Otherwise, we look forward to mailing to you.

Sincerely yours,

Michael & the Letterjoy Team